Saturday, July 31, 2010

Weekend Music (and comedy)

Another song that sticks in your head all weekend. From Mumford and Sons

Oh, and some very deep and meaningful Futurama
FuturamaThursdays 10pm / 9c
e-Waste Delivery
Futurama New EpisodesRoast of David HasselhoffBig Lake

Friday, July 30, 2010

Conclusive evidence we have the best sexist Bogans in Queensland

This from today's online local (Murdoch Monopoly owned) newspaper:

I don't want to see cairns get its silly val precinct, it seems the more a community council en devours to spend on so called keeping up and creating jobs ,it just somehow seems to inflate our rates , i don't care if cairns becomes a sleepy fishing village again, it survived quite OK from 1770 till 2008, then all of a sudden a women takes the reins and out come all the hair brained dopey ideas our rates and cost of living go threw the roof, do us a favor val crawl back under the rock from whence you came.

Posted by: Don of cairns 5:55am today

NB: I kept tha speling as it wuz writed.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Imported Seafood from Vietnam

Don't want to pay higher prices for Australian seafood? Don't mind people and the environment being exploited so you can pay less? Then check this out. I hear their fish are yummy!

Friday, July 23, 2010

First Dog on the Moon

As an avid First Dog fan and the fact that this cartoon hasn't been firewalled by Crikey, here is the latest drinking game combining the Federal Election Debate (known as the FED) and the Grand Final Of Master Chef (GFOMC). Click on the dog.
*hint* Right click and save to get a clearer pic.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Goodbye Cairns Community Radio

Picture borrowed from Cairns Blog
Almost seamless classic digital modification by Pteropus Designs Inc.

Read the latest from the ACMA about the bunkered in management of a predominantly taxpayer funded community radio station in Cairns that no one apparently bothers to listen to and only selected 'friends' are allowed to join!
A lot of years of hard work by so many volunteers wasted. What more can be said.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Johnny Clegg with Nelson Mandela

No election crap here but just a thought about what a committed politician who made huge sacrifices for their country looks like. Anyone like that here in Australia?

Johnny Clegg with Nelson Mandela.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mount Garnet

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to spend a few days in Mt Garnet, a town I usually fly through heading out to the Gulf. It actually has a very interesting history. After a wander through the intertubes, here is a potted history:

Steam train, possibly for carrying copper to and from the copper mines at Mount Garnet, going across the Return Creek Railway Bridge, around 1906.

Image sourced from Picture Queensland, State Library of Queensland
This image is free of copyright restrictions

Mount Garnet
Sleepy town on the southern edge of the Atherton Tablelands.
Located approximately 165 km, 185 km or 205 km (dependingding which way you want to get there) from Cairns, As I mentioned, Mount Garnet is one of those towns that you want to keep driving through..

In fact the miners who first settled the town hardly slowed down as they moved through the area. It is said that when, in about 1904, a rumour went round that the original copper mine was going to close down half the men didn't wait for their notice to quit. They simply packed up their few belongings and were gone by lunchtime.

Mount Garnet was first settled around the turn of the century when copper was found in the area. Within months the Mount Garnet Freehold Copper and Silver Mining Company Ltd had built a smelter and was busy hiring men to dig the valuable mineral out of the ground.

At first the smelted copper was shipped out by camel (there are some interesting photographs of the camel teams on the walls of the Norwestgate Cafe) but by 1902 a branch line connecting the town to the line from Mareeba to Chillagoe had been built and the copper was being railed out to Lappa Junction and then to the coast.

At the time it looked as though the town had a future. Then, quite suddenly, the price of copper dropped and the company, eager to cut its losses, closed the mine.

A few remnants of the mine are still in evidence. Take the road opposite Norwestgate Motel and follow it south on a dirt road which leads past the old Assay House (which is currently being restored). Little is left but there is enough to show the scale of the operation at the turn of the century.

The town did not die. After 1904 the miners turned their attention to the excavation of tin. Today Mount Garnet has a reputation as a good starting place for gold prospectors and gem collectors.

Wurruma Swamp
Just before entering the town from the north there is a dirt road which heads east to Wurruma Swamp. Although little known, this is one of the wonders of the Mount Garnet area.

Mt Garnet Today
Apart the possibility of further tin mining development in the area, other important social activities still prevail.

Here are some highlights of the Mt Garnet Races, one of the big events on the Mt Garnet calendar.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Once Upon a Time in Afghanistan

The Afghanistan of the 1950's compared to what it is today from Mohammad Qayoumi who is president of California State University, East Bay. He grew up in Kabul and came to work in the United States in 1978.

Photo Essay from Foreign

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cruising the intertubes- Stuff your fancy CGI Graphics - this is REAL!

Well, sort of.....

On the topic of films, this is an interesting article from Paul Syvret via one of the Murdoch Deathstar portals. Read some of the comments also (better than the paper's cartoons). Ah, online Murdoch tabloid comments - always my entertainment for the day!

The inside scoop on Paul the clairvoyant calamari

This from Crikey.

Friday, July 9, 2010

From Robert Corr - The boat people "problem"

Click on the image to enlarge

The 'enlightened' online readers of our local Murdoch media responses to a suggestion of a facility to be built on Yarrabah community land near Cairns:

"We shouldnt be looking at any options with the illegal immigrants, they should be sent back to where they came from. We cant get on a boat and enter their country, demand food and shelter, we would be shot, I think we need to adopt the same attitude. We have enough unemployment and homeless people here for us to look after with out their burden."

Posted by: Sonya Jennings of Cairns 9:45am Thursday

No, we aren't quite all narrow minded rednecks up here:

"Congratulations Yarrabah. It would work for both the community and the refugees. Best news I have heard about this issue. Go, Go, Go. In WA the Refugees and the residents in the town of Leonora are loving the interaction. It also worked in the NSW town of Young. Stick to your guns, what a morale boost for you all."

Posted by: Pippy Cannon of MAchans Beach 9:14am Thursday

Read the article here

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Spicks and Specks latest

You can't beat great Oz Band of a few years ago Died Pretty.

Ron Peno with big hair.
And special guest...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Little Fry and Laurie

Now for something on a lighter note. Hugh Laurie before he was lured to a well known hospital soap series in the U.$. with the enigmatic Stephen Fry.

The Krait

The Krait

An article from 'The Brisbane Times' :

"A ceremony in remembrance of Australian commandoes who were beheaded by the Japanese just before the end of the Second World War will be held in Brisbane today.

The commandoes, members of Z Special Forces, were among 23 allied servicemen who died in the failed Operation Rimau, an attack on Singapore Harbour...... more

What is less commonly known is that this mission originated here from Cairns where during WW2, Z Force had a base at 'The House On The Hill' built by Richard Kingsford - Charles Kingsford Smith's Grandad. It had a colourful history, at one stage being one of the premier nightclubs in Cairns (ahh... fond memories!) Unfortunately it was burnt down over twenty years ago and has been replaced with a 'nice' block of flats.Fairview House "The House on the Hill"

Click here to find out more of this amazing story.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Kamerunga Plays the Tanks Arts Centre this Friday

ARIA-nominated Kamerunga, the only band in the country to perform at both the Byron Bay Bluesfest and Canberra's National Folk Festival this Easter, returns to the Tanks Arts Centre
on Friday (July 9th) to record a live album. It will be the first to be recorded at the venue. PNG band Tribe of Jubal will be opening the concert at 7.30pm, and Kamerunga will take to the stage after the interval. Tickets ($15 pp / $10 conc.) will be on sale at the door.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tilt - shift time -lapse video - It's like a trip to Lego Land

This video was made by Australian director Keith Loutit back in 2008

Tilt-shift time-lapse or "fake miniatures" is the next big thing in animation, and this Sydney-based photographer is the master of it. Using a variety of techniques, this short film hopes to encourage you to to take a second look at places that are familiar to them.

See more of the director's films and photographs on his website: