Einasleigh sits on the Eastern edge of the Newcastle Range, on the banks of the Copperfield River. Einasleigh is on the old Chillagoe to Forsayth railway now used by the Savannahlander. Once a Copper mining town, it is set among some unusual scenery with flat top hills that rise out of the grasslands.
The Einasleigh Hotel is situated close to the Copperfield Gorge
"The township of Einasleigh, originally named Copperfield, was laid out in 1900 by the mining warden on a new township reserve established near the Einasleigh Company's copper mine. Although the company had been formed only in the previous year, already two hotels, a store, a billiard room, and butcher and baker shops were being built and funds were being collected for a school. The town briefly became the largest population centre in the shire during construction of the Chillagoe Company's Etheridge Railway in the years 1907-10. After the closure of the mine in the 1920s, however, the township almost disappeared and was saved from extinction only by its location on the railway." - Etheridge Shire Council
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